Sunday 17 November 2013

Dear Stranger, Thanks.

After rediscovering my long lost blog from two years ago, I suddenly have a new thirst to share my experiences with my remaining followers. Thank you for being loyal, some of you barley even remember that we were even friends on the blogosphere, but thanks anyway. I was trying to write a paper for an assignment, a product of the pursuit of greater knowledge... and I just couldn't get the juices flowing. Am hoping that this visit to my blog will help.

So last time I made some candid confessions and true revelations about the place in which I now find myself, stark right in the middle of a rock and a hard place, both of which remain mostly static. So in the words that only a Kenyan can understand "mimi nina ng'ang'ana". The struggle continues. The loong sleepless nights and even longer trying days are here with me like an annoying mosquito that will not go away. To say that I have felt the hand of Murphy's Law in the past couple of days and weeks, is to say the least... But "na Ng'ang'ana"

I guess for the sake of some semblance of sanity, I am glad for this little blog of mine, for sometimes you cannot say it enough how difficult and trying life is. People just don't get it. Yesterday, as I collapsed into a fit of emotion after a particularly trying fitting, I was walking to the bus stop wiping away the tears from my face and trying to contain myself when some stranger coming towards me asked me if everything was all right. Today, I dedicate this post to the kind strangers out there who take the time to be concerned for others they barely know (even at the risk of being ignored). I wasn't able to respond at the time, but dear stranger on the street, thank you for showing me kindness while the world seemed to be showing me a different face.

I guess all is not lost, in those moments when your present circumstances drive you up the wall, may be some stranger will show you kindness, even for one second, and it will give you the strength to face the future. Amen.

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