Wednesday 20 July 2011


I have a confession to make, easy easy, its not soooo "OMG!!!" it's actually an "OH?", yeah i have become a couch potato- yes am watching soo much TV, more than could be considered healthy... Anyway, today I was watching this new one on KTN, 'BriefCase Inc' and i was thinking to myself- kumbe it's not just me? I tell you starting a Biashara no matter how talented you are, is a real test of character and sanity. I stress sanity because most of the time you are going to look like a lunatic, if you don't look like one- well get ready coz you might just go insane!!! It's happened to me, you wake up one morning, stare in the mirror and you are looking at a crazy person!

The moral of the story? Like I mentioned earlier, it's four years now since I officially started hustling- and  you would think that in that time, i have established the perfect formula- but like a raging lunatic, new ideas for my business name keep popping up (A lot like this Briefcase Inc guys) A brief journey, when I started off with my two partners in '07, it was "KROSSOVER INC", at the time I was making custom T Shirts. Then we parted ways and the business name became "IKONIC". It seemed ingenious and for the longest time 'An Icon In Image Consultancy' was working well. That was until we had an assignment to present business ideas in my third year and three other guys had the same name- Talk about plagiarism! (LOL- there wasnt much to steal, hehe!!!)

No time to point fingers, i remember my pals laughing about it, i wasn't. How was i going to be taken seriously if I "Rebranded" every now and then? But the risk had to be taken, so then came Earth and Vanilla- ahhhh, the perfect fit. 'Earth' for African indigenous inspirations and 'Vanilla' for edgy fresh styling. It could also be summarized as my overall style of design, something earthy blended with something fresh; something old with something new- some recycling and some value addition. 

A new perspective perhaps, rather different but non the less punctual as the world moves away from the age of 'art- for arts sake', purchase for 'purchase sake'; to deeper meaning, environmental conservation and a higher value for heritage and culture and why not?


  1. I so get u..getin a name is HARD but i lyk Earth n Vanilla..the first time i heard it i was lyk wow,thats different n it definately works...also on the starting out part,ave been designing full time for a year now n its not easy bt thngs are bout to get better..

  2. I am so glad you feel me, thanx. Good luck on the freelancing, I think it takes a lot of patience and resilience; I've clocked one month in the "Real World" and its trying so Kudoz!



My humble beginnings


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