Saturday 30 July 2011


When it rains it pours! I promised to use this blog to share my experiences as a young upcoming entrepreneur trying to make it in this fast paced but difficult economic climate, and I shall do just that. Having began four years ago (before that I did internships and small jobs here and there), I naturally assumed that I had probably seen it all. But the trip to Rwanda was a real test of faith, hope and will; as a friend of mine put it, "The journey uphill is often the hardest." Or at least it sounded like that. As an entrepeneur you will need a huge reserve of patience, take this story for instance...

As I prepare to showcase my collection at the Runway 254 event next week, I feel compelled to share the story of my trip to Rwanda, because among other reasons- it is quite entertaining and who knows i might have a different story to tell next week. However, let us not forget the moral of this story that obstacles should never ever stop anyone with a dream and a vision. Well, where do I start, perhaps with the black out the night before we were to live- way to go KPLC! So with a total blackout the night I planned to do some serious touch ups, I retired to bed where I can promise you that I did not infact sleep as anxiety and butterflies had a marathon fete in my tummy...what to do...?

Anyway, first forward to 4AM and the lights were finally back and there I was running around hoping to be done in time, you can be sure that I really was not. At 10am, when I was done I hauled my "wares" into a huge black paperbag for lack of a better mode of packaging (which included 5 dresses and 1 huge circular petticoat- u know the one I am talking about) and mounted a 'Pikipiki' to catch a matatu from Athi River to Nairobi.. The time was 11am, and the bus was to leave at 1PM, I had not packed my stuff (which was in campus) and the traffic situation was not making my anxiety any better.

As i got off the 'pikipiki', i realised that i only had 15bob in my pocket, 5bob short of my fare for the ride- i tried to bargain with the motorcyclist but "LO!"... So there I was, rampaging through my stuff trying to find my purse which couldn't have been further- right at the bottom of my backpack under piles of dresses. Meanwhile, the two "Nganyaz" that had been at the stage duly left and by the time I paid the guy and crossed the road- the fast matatus were gone and none would stop for I did something which I knew I would have to do sooner or later- I Cried Out Loud!!! I mean tears and all, and called my mother who had refused to give me a lift into town and all she said was "How could I possibly help you?!" I hung up and cried like the helpless hustler I was; at that very moment I felt like a drowning puppy; alot like this guy,

Could the day get any worse???

This story will definitely be continued soon...

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