Wednesday 24 August 2011


If somebody told me that I would be nostalgic about my days on campus after nearly two months in the "real" world I would have laughed out loud in their face (u know that smattering laugh that lends a lot more than was desired) that one! Yet that's what am doing at my image in the mirror, am finding it very funny that I miss the "good life". Low cost living, cheap thrills (like icecream Sundays and Saturday siesta- where u really never get up after Friday night thrills); rice with pretty much anything and the occasional junk food inhouse party. Lakini most of all, I miss the guys with whom I burned the midnight oil or toiled through scorching hot days with- good times. Incidentally, I choreographed this picture to represent a feeling of nostalgia, from the sepian tones to the monochromatic colouring; the setting and the models pose.

The dress itself came to me on the morning of the debut of my second collection, I made it in a record two hours though the idea had been cooking in my head for like the longest time. The low cut back is a representation of the freedom that confidence can avail when you finally come into your own. The successful blend of kitenge and jersey made this one urban number I would love to have in my wardrobe. The jewellery is a combination of grey and black cut glass with ceramic beads and beautiful buttons. The monochromatic blend of fabrics and jewellery was a deliberate attempt to bring to life a sepian theme, "In hind sight". I love that the dress can switch from various settings effortlessly- wedding ceremony, cocktail party or night out; an ideal addition for a fast-paced multifaceted lifestyle.

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