Friday 5 August 2011


YES- Fashion has an ugly side!!! U.G.L.Y- I said it! Very very ugly. Sleepless nights, harsh critics, less than enthusiastic reviews, horrible clients, bad days, back stage madness... The list goes on and on and on... I have seen several horror stories unfold right before my very own eyes- busted seams and gapping zippers, corsets getting stuck in hair (on a model several inches taller than you- the poor dresser), tiny dresses (wharrr!!!!), tiny winy models (ala!) hehehe. Then there's what I experienced 1st hand in Rwanda, a serious language barrier!

Below, from humble beginnings ( a raw picture always helps to put things in perspective)

Backstage at The Afro Fashion Festival (A.D.D)

Backstage at The Citizen Fashion Show Season 1!
(Cheers to Sharyn Odipo, the model who held it down in this airtight dress, to say the least)

I have got to tell you the stuff that goes on backstage is too "unfunny"; i used to laugh at how high fashion designers would be revealed at runway shows looking miserable, disheveled hair, sweating forehead, worried look - that was until that disheveled designer became me. Now I don't find it funny anymore, now its just histerical, i believe the word is "SWEET SORROW"!!! And a midst all this craziness, friendships are made; bonds are formed; resolutions are sworn (i dare say curses and insults are hurled) and sure enough rivalries are formed. In a perfect world, it would still happen all over again- So cheers to the Sweet Sorrow that drives my passion (smiles and kisses!)

Stay tuned for more backstage madness- I would love to laugh n cry with u as I take on the world, so do join me on my journey of new perspectives!!!

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